McMaster Student OTs:
Facilitating Change at a Systems Level
n July 16, 2014 five student occupational therapists
from McMaster University had the opportunity to
assist in facilitating change at the systems level. The
students volunteered and participated at the event 308 Conver-
sations, which was spearheaded by the Mental Health Commis-
sion of Canada, theWaterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council
and local Members of Parliament, inviting Canada’s 308 Mem-
bers of Parliament to lead a discussion about suicide prevention.
Also in attendance were local experts, service providers, health-
care providers, police officers, teachers, social workers, service
clubs, survivors, faith-based community leaders/groups, military
members, veterans, people with lived experience, various minor
sport coaches/staff and local media.
The day was a great success and involved key note ad-
dresses as well as many different discussions around suicide pre-
vention inWaterloo Region. One student OT commented about
participating in the experience and noted: “It was amazing to be
part of something larger than myself, as a student, but even our
profession. It was great to be part of and contribute to discus-
sions geared toward change.” Conversations around overcoming
the stigma associated with suicide and mental distress, promot-
ing discussions around suicide prevention in a safe manner, as
well as suicide prevention from the standpoint of public health
all highlighted a clear role for occupational therapy in suicide
prevention. Such discussion also illustrated the role occupational
therapists play as advocates, not only with individual clients, but
also the unique skill set we possess that allows us to facilitate
change on a larger systems level. Results of the day’s discussions
and recommendations will be made available publically by the
Mental Health Commission of Canada in the near future.
Photo from left to right: Tana Nash, Executive Director Waterloo Region
Suicide Prevention Council, Kim Hewitt, Occupational Therapist and
member of Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council, Vanessa Poul-
ton, student OT, Harold Albrecht, Member of Parliament Kitchener-Con-
estoga, Lindsay Castle, student OT, Sam Langan, student OT, Heather
Vrbanac, student OT and Ryan Collins, student OT.
Special Acknowledgement to Kim Hewitt, OT, and Graduate of McMaster MScOT Program for
engaging McMaster student OTs in these profoundly forward-thinking ways!
Article submitted by Lorie Shimmell, McMaster University, on behalf of this group