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7University of Ottawa


eptember brings both a new cohort of stu-

dents and several changes to the Occupa-

tional Therapy Program. First, a new director

is in place. Indeed, Dr. Paulette Guitard started in the

position on September 1st. We would like to thank Dr.

Michèle Hébert from the bottom of our hearts for her

work and dedication over the past two years. Michèle

returns to a full teaching and research load.

We also said goodbye to our clinical education co-

ordinator, Marie-Claude Rouleau, who has accepted a

position at Algonquin College. We also thank her for

her work over the past years and wish her every success

in her new position. We have not had permission to

post this position but we do have a temporary replace-

ment. We are happy to welcome Dr. Tricia Morrison in

this position. Tricia has been involved with our program

in several capacities over the last years (part-time pro-

fessor, supervisor for students’ research project, part-

time professor representative …). She knows both our

program and our clinical community very well.

Despite all these changes, we were ready for a new

academic year and ready to celebrate OT month. We

had the great pleasure to invite our students and clinical

community to be inspired by our colleague Professor

Claire-Jehanne Dubouloz who generously agreed to re-

deliver her Muriel Driver Memorial Lectureship for the

occasion. This was a unique opportunity for those who

could not attend her speech at CAOT’s annual confer-

ence in Fredericton in May 2014. Our students also got

involved in the celebration and took on the COTF chal-

lenge. I am proud to report 100% of students donated

to COTF for a total of $250. They also held several ac-

tivities to promote the profession namely by attending

CAOT’s inspirational talks and our reenactment of the

2014 Muriel Driver Lectureship, hosting an Occupa-

tional Therapy Quiz during a bake sale, presenting on

OT in several high schools, reading You me and my OT

to their young family members. They certainly showed

their OT spirit and pride!

We would like to take this opportunity to congrat-

ulate our graduating class as convocation was held this

weekend (November 2nd). Best wishes for a long, fruit-

ful and rewarding career to all.

Join Occupational Therapists from across the globe

at these upcoming events or explore their websites:


RehabTec Asia 2015 - Singapore, 26-28 March 2015

New Delhi

OTICON 2015 - The 52nd Annual National Conference of All India

Occupational Therapists' Association - New Delhi, 10-12 April 2015

Winnipeg, NB

CAOT 2015 Conference, Winnipeg, NB, May 27-30

Plan a TriP!