...Continued from previous page
The Muriel Driver Memorial Lecture is the highest ho-
nour that the Canadian Association of Occupational Ther-
apists (CAOT) bestows. The 2016 awardee was
Isabelle Gélinas
, Di-
rector of the Gradu-
ate Program at
SPOT, celebrated
for her outstanding
contributions to the
profession through
education, research
and the practice of
Congratulations to
Dr. Raphael Lencucha
, Assistant
Professor at SPOT, who was one of the lead authors on the
recent report, The Challenge of Tobacco Control in Sub-
Saharan Africa; The World Health Organization Frame-
work Convention, published by WHO in February 2016.
Dr. Lencucha drew from his experience researching whole-
of-government approaches to
chronic disease prevention to
contribute to the project.
Please save the date: join
us for the 2016 Edith Aston-
McCrimmon Lecturer. Dr.
Stephanie Nixon,
from the University of
Toronto’s International Centre
for Disability and Rehabilita-
tion (ICDR) Lab will discuss
the role of rehabilitation sci-
ence in improving the lives of
people with disabilities in
Canada and around the
world. Thursday November
24 2016, 4 p.m. at McGill’s
Faculty Club.
his year, the Occupational Science field in the
Health and Rehabilitation Sciences graduate pro-
gram at the University of Western Ontario will be
celebrating its 10th anniversary. With on-going support
from the School of Occupational Therapy, this program has
attracted diverse graduate students who have conducted
novel and important research, contributing to the Canadian
and international development of occupational science.
While focusing on a range of topics, and employing a di-
versity of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, their
knowledge generation is underpinned by an occupational
Students have received numerous scholarships and
awards, such as Ontario Graduate Scholarships, Tri-council
doctoral awards, Ontario Trillium Scholarships, among oth-
ers. Their work has been published in a variety of occupa-
tion focused peer-reviewed journals, as well as within
invited book chapters. Students have also helped expand
interdisciplinary awareness of the discipline through bring-
ing an occupational perspective into journals from other
disciplines, such as The Canadian Geographer, International
Migration, WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment
and Rehabilitation, Forum: Qualitative Social Research, Dis-
ability and Rehabilitation, among others. The presentation
of students’ theoretical and empirical contributions has also
been shared at a range of interdisciplinary and international
conferences, including annual meetings organized by Oc-
cupational Science and Occupational Therapy associations
Continued on next page...