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Name of Researcher:
Jacquie Ripat, U of Manitoba
Degrees and Professional Qualifications (including fel-
PhD, MSc (Rehabilitation), BMR (OT),
Area of Research:
The first research area centres on under-
standing the interaction between people who use assistive
technologies and their environments. The intended out-
come of this work is to develop and implement ways to
better access and use assistive technology, and to modify
environments, in order to promote community participa-
tion of people with disabilities.
In the second area, research focuses on understanding and
facilitating occupational therapists’ and occupational ther-
apy students’ client-centred development at personal, prac-
tice environment, and systems levels.
Grants/ Funding History:
Ripat, J. (2012-14). Exploring winter weather issues
faced by Manitoba wheeled mobility users. Manitoba
Health Research Council Operating Grant ($78,055).
Ripat, J., Woodgate, R., Etcheverry, E., Medved, M.
(2011-13). Assistive technology and young adults with
disabilities. Canadian Institutes for Health Research,
Operating Grant ($130,009).
Woodgate, R., Ripat, J., Elias, B., Halas, J., Blais, C., &
Moffat, M. (2009-11). Unraveling the disability trajec-
tory of first nations families of children with disabilities:
advancing Jordan's principle. Canadian Institutes of
Health Research New Emerging Teams ($529,081).
Ripat, J., &Woodgate, R. (2009-10). Young adults with
spinal cord injuries, participation and assistive technol-
ogy. Manitoba Spinal Cord Injury Research Committee
Research Collaboration:
One of my most important re-
search collaborations has been with my research mentor
Dr. Roberta Woodgate from the Faculty of Nursing at Uni-
versity of Manitoba. I first met Roberta when I took her
qualitative research methods course and, subsequently, I
enrolled in my doctoral program with Roberta as my advi-
sor. Roberta is an exceptional, renowned and productive
qualitative researcher, who generously shares opportuni-
ties to engage in research alongside her. She has taught me
to see the fun in research and to try to find ways to make
research fun and engaging for others. Most importantly,
she has taught me to value and cultivate relationships
within research, whether with students, research assistants,
colleagues, or research participants.
To view this profile in its entirety, please click:
http://www.acotup- acpue.ca/English/sites/default/files/Profiles/Jacquie%20 Ripat%20%28University%20of%20Manitoba%29.pdfNew: Advanced Standing MScOT Program Option
The Department of Occupational Science and Occu-
pational Therapy, at University of Toronto will launch a new
Advanced Standing Option MScOT
program. This 12-
month, online program is designed specifically for occu-
pational therapists who hold a BSc degree in Occupational
Therapy and wish to upgrade their credentials to the Mas-
ters level. Admissions are scheduled for September 2016.
For details about the program, visit
ot.utoronto.ca,or con-
tact Andrea Duncan at
a.duncan@utoronto.ca.Thelma Cardwell Research Day 2016
The upcoming 19th annual Thelma Cardwell Research
Day will feature a keynote address by
Dr. Florence Clark
from the University of Southern California (USC). Dr.
Clark, the Associate Dean, Chair, and Mrs. T.H. Chan Pro-
fessor of Occupational Science and Occupational Ther-
apy, will speak about
Occupational Therapy as Life
Design: Fortifying Health and Well-Being through the
Course of Life
. The Department is honoured to have Dr.
Clark as our guest. Following Dr. Clark’s lecture our grad-