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Name of Researcher:
Mary Ann McColl, Queen’s U
Degrees and Professional Qualifications (including fel-
MTS (Theological Studies), PhD (Preventive
Medicine & Biostatistics), MHSc (Community Health & Epi-
demiology), BSc(OT), Basic I & II Chaplaincy
Area of Research:
OT theory; Disability policy; Spirituality
& health; Community integration & social support.
Research Related Awards and Honours:
Ken Langford Lifetime Member Award, Spinal Cord In-
jury Ontario (2013)
Mylks Award, Queen’s Theological College (2007)
Outstanding Scholar, National Honor Society of Oc-
cupational Therapy (USA) (2003)
Grants/ Funding History:
I have selected 5 projects from 97 funded projects
1985, totalling approximately $17m
McColl, M.A., Adair, B., Aiken, A., Jongbloed, L.,
Kobayashi, A., Timmons, V. et al. (2009-14). The Cana-
dian Disability Policy Alliance: Learning collaborative
and equity coalition. Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada, Community-University
Research Alliance ($1,000,000).
McColl, M.A., Aiken, A., Green, M., Birtwhistle, R.,
Godwin, M., McColl, A., Norman, K., Smith, K.,
Brankston, G. (2009-13). Actionable Nuggets: Translat-
ing research findings on spinal cord injury into family
practice. Rick Hansen Foundation ($290,000).
McColl, M.A., Stienstra, D., Shortt, S., Boyce, W., God-
win, M., Havens, B., Kaufert, J., Krogh, K. (2003-05). Re-
ducing inequities in access to primary and preventive
health services for people with disabilities. Canadian
Institutes of Health Research ($99,176).
Research Collaboration:
My most productive research
partnership has been with Spinal Cord Injury Ontario (for-
merly the Canadian Paraplegic Association Ontario). I have
worked with them since my doctoral dissertation in 1987,
and have collaborated on at least 20 projects over my ca-
reer. Most recently, SCIO has been the leading community
partner in the Canadian Disability Policy Alliance, a na-
tional collaboration of disability researchers, community
organizations, and federal and provincial policy-makers,
aimed at co-creating and mobilizing knowledge to en-
hance disability policy in Canada. The Alliance was funded
by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council
for a period of 5 years (2009-14) to address five policy
areas: Culture & recreation; Employment; Education; Fed-
eral disability policy; Health services.
To view this profile in its entirety, please click:
http://www.acotup- acpue.ca/English/sites/default/files/Profiles/Mary%20An n%20McColl%20-%20Queens%20University.pdfName of Researcher:
Mary Egan, University of Ottawa
Degrees and Professional Qualifications (including fel-
PhD (Epidemiology and Biostatistics); MSc (OT);
BSc (OT)
Area of Research:
Personally valued activities; Connection
with health and well-being; Evidence-based and theoreti-
cally defensible occupational therapy; Spiritual issues in oc-
cupational therapy and; Coordination of care.
Research Related Awards and Honors:
Golden Quill Award, CJOT (2011)
Barbara Sexton Lectureship Award, Western University
Muriel Driver Memorial Lecture Award (2007)
A CAOT Fellowship (2007)