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9pital. Throughout the clinical visits the teamwas fortunate

to meet with a variety of people to further their under-

standing of OT practice in Japan. There were demonstra-

tions and opportunities to observe the many treatment

modalities used, such as splints for musculoskeletal in-

juries, driving simulation for retraining after critical illness,

and music and art based groups.

Being immersed in classroom and clinical settings was

an invaluable learning experience. This experience fur-

thered our understanding of the Japanese healthcare sys-

tem, the models that govern occupational therapy

practice in Japan, and how occupational therapists advo-

cate for their clients to receive required services. Although

they had different approaches to some of their interven-

tions, OT practice appeared to yield similar results to ap-

proaches used in Canada.

The enriching weeklong exchange visit to NUHWnot

only expanded our perspectives of occupational therapy,

but deepened the team’s admiration and dedication to

this profession. The trip taught a valuable lesson, to be in-

clusive of cultural preferences! Queen’s will host a dele-

gation of 5 students and 2 faculty members in

mid-September of this year.

...Continued from previous page

Join Occupational Therapists from across the globe

at these upcoming events or explore their websites:

Mississauga, Ontario

2016 OSOT Conference

September 23 & 24, 2016

Visit the website for more information

Montreal, Quebec

Clinical Reasoning

October 25-28, 2016

Visit the website for more information

https://www.dpcmed.umon- raisonnement-clinique/


10th Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation

November 4-6, 2016

Visit the website for more information

Plan a TriP!

Hope everyone had a super

summer and looking forward to

an awesome autumn!